
When entering Zanzibar, you need to buy a residence visa. The cost of a tourist visa for a stay of up to 90 days is $50. The formalities can be done at the airport upon arrival (payment by card or cash, we recommend being prepared for both options).

To shorten the check-in time at the airport, you can obtain a visa in advance by email:

IMPORTANT NOTE: When entering Tanzania, including Zanzibar, you must have a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of the planned end of your stay in Tanzania.

How to pay in Zanzibar?

We recommend bringing US dollars to Zanzibar, as it is the currency accepted in most places.

In local souvenir shops and bars, it is best to pay in the local currency (Tanzanian shilling—TSH) as you will get a better price. Therefore, it is worth exchanging a small amount ($100-200) for shillings. The current exchange rate is around 2300 TSH for $1. The highest denomination is the 10,000 TSH banknote (approximately $4). You can exchange dollars right after arrival—there is a bank branch in the airport parking lot (there is also an exchange office inside the airport, but the exchange rate there is worse).

It’s also good to have some change ($1) with you for any tips, as locals often expect them.


Payment by card is possible in most large hotels and some restaurants. It should be remembered that a commission of 4 to 7% is added.

There are also several ATMs in Stone Town, Nungwi, and Paje. The nearest ATM is at the Pwani Mchangani gas station, about 15km from Kiwengwa. ATMs dispense shillings, and there is often a high commission fee added. The accepted cards are mainly MasterCard and Visa.

Are vaccinations necessary in Zanzibar?

If you are flying directly from Europe, no vaccinations are required. However, vaccinations against tetanus, typhoid fever, diphtheria, and viral hepatitis are recommended—as for any further journey.

If you have a transfer in Africa longer than 6 hours (e.g., in Nairobi), you must be vaccinated against yellow fever and have a vaccination confirmation in the so-called yellow booklet.


Malaria is practically non-existent in Zanzibar.

Although most doctors recommend preventive measures, such as Malarone, in Zanzibar there is no need to use them. When in doubt, you can have a malaria test in Zanzibar and use the anti-malaria drugs available here.

During your stay in Zanzibar, we recommend using anti-mosquito agents—preferably those with a high percentage of the so-called DEET (e.g., MUGGA). Local remedies are also very effective; we especially recommend Medisoft lotion, available in any local store.


In Zanzibar, the climate is warm and consistent throughout the year. It’s enough to pack swimwear, dresses, t-shirts, and shorts in your suitcase. It’s worth taking airy items like linen shirts to protect against the sun, and for ladies, we recommend a pareo. As for footwear, flip-flops and sandals are ideal. Most hotels in Zanzibar do not have strict dress code requirements for dinner.

We recommend bringing:

  • Water shoes: useful during many trips (e.g., Safari Blue) and walks on the reef at low tide. Don’t forget to bring snorkeling equipment.
  • Filters with a high UV factor: the sun in Zanzibar is very strong and can tan even in the shade. For children or people with very fair skin, we recommend taking special protective clothing with a UV filter. It is also worth stocking up on Panthenol.
  • A hat and sunglasses with a UV filter: to protect your eyes from the sun’s rays.
  • Mosquito repellent: preferably with a lot of DEET (e.g., Mugga).
  • Basic medications: painkillers, medications for diarrhea, and panthenol for burns.


Location at an altitude of 6° south of the equator means that the Zanzibar islands enjoy a warm equatorial climate, with a fairly constant daytime temperature of 26°C. However, they are subject to seasonal monsoons, and it is important to know when they occur and plan your stay accordingly.

In brief:

  • Holidays in Zanzibar should not be planned during the large rainy season characterized by heavy rainfall, often lasting several days. This period lasts roughly from April to mid-June.
  • The period from July to October is the most pleasant time to come. Temperatures average 27°C, and there is little rainfall.
  • November is the so-called little rainy season. Rainfall is limited to brief showers, followed by the sun quickly.
  • The period from December to March is the hottest time of the year. Then it is summer in Zanzibar, and daytime temperatures can reach up to 35°C.